
A cludgie?

The Scottish National Dictionary has two definitions for a cludgie:

1. A slang term for a water-closet.

2. A toilet pedestal.

This website is simply a homage to the more interesting cludgies and bathrooms in general that we have seen. We are privileged to use these things multiple times a day (we are aware that many people around the world cannot do that), but toilets – cludgies – can be so much more than just functional spaces or devices (or in Gaelic, an taigh-beag, the little house).

If, when we go to cafés or hotels (or even just people’s houses!), we see an interesting bathroom, we photograph it, and upload it here, maybe with a comment or two…

We are…

… Alex and Michael

There is beauty to be found in the everyday objects around us. We’re just two tired Scots who find we can take great pleasure in the ordinary things in life, admiring the ingenuity that some people show in creating beautiful – or at least, interesting – bathrooms and cludgies.

Most of the photographs are just made with mobiles, as we tend not to take bigger cameras with us when we visit a cludgie. Sometimes, wide lenses would be really useful, but it might look a little odd to take such a camera when going to use a cludgie…! 🙄